Friday, March 9, 2007

Some mp3's from Tarnation

I set up a Vox blog in order to have a place to post audio bits for students in this class. Right now I'm working my way through the Tarnation soundtrack and posting the mp3's as I find them (I thought I had all my Low CDs loaded into iTunes, but they aren't so I've got to houseclean to turn them up).

Later, I may use it as a space to post other film music and soundtrack audio files as we discuss them in class.

Here's a link to my Vox blog, Extra Things.


AMart79196 said...

The genre of multi-layered films is one that is not easy for the viewer to follow. Can get very confusing... Also, I don't have any tools here to add links or anything else of the matter. I do have the options to add HTML tags, and to most of the students who don't understand HTML, or how tags work, you would have to a look up HTML tags here at the following address:

Just pay attention to the codes b, i, and a. They are the only ones that blogger is using and allows us to enter in the comments/posts. For example, TAG LETTER inside <> YOUR TEXT THAT YOU WANT THE CODE APPLIED TO TYPE HERE--THEN YOU MARK OFF THE END OF THE CODE WHEN YOU WANT TO HAVE THE CODE STOPPED /TAG inside the <>.
Hopefully my example will help everyone since there is not easy GUI options to Underline,Bold, or ital any of your text in the blogger software....Unless I am not seeing it on my account. I am only going on the assumption that we all have the same options on our accounts. Please enjoy!

Professor Estevez said...

Not in the comment section, but when you make your posts over on the Student Log page you should see a nice set of "buttons" at the top of the post window that will let you embed an image or a link or bold or italicize or add colour to the text.

However multi-media is still beyond Blogger. I wish Vox had a cleaner interface, but I think its sucky, childish and I'll just use it as an audio dump for now.

(If you can't find what I'm talking about and you are on campus tomorrow between 2 and 3:30 stop by my office and I'll show you.)

devinklos said...

Very eclectic musicial choices. I am very interested to see where they fit into the film. Oftentimes, a great soundtrack can enhance a film to the nth degree whether it's an original score or a collection of songs, though obviously, when it comes to using popular music, personal tastes will come into play.

Professor Estevez said...

I think it may sound more eclectic than it is because I only have some of the music there and not all of it.
At least in my mind the film has a definite "indie pop" soundtrack with a few stray elements from musicals and such that go with the images used from them. Bands like Cocteau Twins reference an earlier, 80's new wave time, and low and Magnetic Fields are in some ways more expressive of the film's overall aesthetic and tone.

AMart79196 said...

I would have to agree with your opinion about "Oftentimes, a great soundtrack can enhance a film to the nth degree whether it's an original score or a collection of songs, though obviously, when it comes to using popular music, personal tastes will come into play. "
Very well put! Totally agree!

AMart79196 said...

I wanted to also make a quick comment on the blog structure - It's like what a resume should look like..the newest on top and the oldest on the bottom --verry similar to how gmail presents there email when there is three or more emails between two people. It will show the newest on top, but have you post to the bottom of it which then becomes the new top post, or in gmail, it would be email.

Professor Estevez said...

So to ask my question again (the one I posed in the post "Blog as Narrative") is reverse chronology the new linear? The ubiquity of the blog thread format (which is what gmail follows) seems to be on the verge of becoming a kind of dominant info-organizing paradigm.

MegL said...

i think reverse chronology is the new linear..i better get used to it. haha